Carnegie Mellon University

Doctoral Dissertation Proposals and Defenses

View the dissertation proposals and defenses of our doctoral students.

Upcoming Dissertation Defenses

Jaepil Lee, Economics
Title TBA
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
TEP 4243

Nicholas Hoffman, Economics
Title TBA
Monday, April 21, 2025
TEP 4242

Anthony Karahalios, Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization
Title TBA
Thursday, April 24, 2025
TEP 5219

Jason Gates, Economics
Title TBA
Friday, April 25, 2025
TEP 5219

Upcoming Dissertation Proposals

There are currently no dissertation proposals scheduled.

Recent Proposals, Defenses and Dissertations


Cheng (Leo) Li

Essays on Earnings Management and Financial Analysts

Yao Wang

Essays on Voluntary Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure

Yongjoo Won

Essays on Banking Regulation and Carbon Emission Disclosures

Carl Brousseau

"Essays on Financial Reporting Quality"

Min Cao

"Stock Price Behavior Around External Financing"

Nam Ho

“Competition in the Market for Assurance Services”

Hyun Hwang

"Essays on Corporate Disclosure and Organizational Structure"

Eunhee Kim

"The Mechanism of Control in Organizations: Essays on Imperfect Measures of Managerial Talent"

Tae Wook Ryan Kim

"Essays on Earnings Management, Investment Efficiency, and Managerial Incentives"

Chen Li

"Essays on the Structural Models of Executive Compensation"

Wei Li

"Essays on Earning Management and Leading Indicator Variables"

Yi Liang

"Essays in Accounting Regulation and Earning Management"

Guoyu Lin

"Essays on Earnings Management and Corporate Governance"

Jong Chool Park

Mandatory & Voluntary Disclosure: The Stock Market Reaction to Mandatory Segment Reporting Changes & the Credibility of Voluntary Management Forecasts

Hong Qu

"How Do Market Price and Cheap Talk Affect Coordination?"

Lufei Ruan

"Essays on Accounting Conservatism, Managerial Incentives, and Investment Efficiency"

Amy Xue Sun

“Informativeness of Dividend Announcements and the Market’s Inefficient Response to Earnings”

Phong Truong

“External Factors Influencing Firm Information Environment: Essays on Financial Analysts, Auditors, and Industry Peers”

Aluna Wang

"Essays on Information Transmission Mechanisms"

Sang Wu

Essays on Public Communication and Economic Incentives in Capital Markets

Hao Xue

"Essays on Multiple Strategic Producers of Information"

Wenjie Xue

"Essays on Mandatory Disclosure and Enforcement"

Yin (Lavender) Yang

“Essays on Climate Disclosure Regulations”

Gaoqing Zhang

"An Economic Inquiry into Information Disclosure by Banking Institutions"

Ran Zhao

"A Firm's Information Disclosure and the Markets for Its Inputs and Outputs"

Yinqing Janet Zhao

"Essays on Information and the Bond Market"

Business Technologies

Liying Qiu

Algorithms and Consumer Insights: Unveiling the Economic Impact of AI Pricing and Large Language Models

Ashish Agarwal

"Essays on Economics of Technology Markets"

Bryon Balint

"Field Studies in Offshoring and Process Standardization"

Wai Fong Boh

“Learning, Knowledge-Sharing and Expertise Management in Project-Based Knowledge Work”

Bo Reum Choi

"Essays on Socialization in Online Groups"

Xuefei Deng

"Understanding ERP Requirements Analysis and Design: User Participation, Knowledge Transfer and Shared Mental Models”

Elina Hyeunjung Hwang

"Knowledge Sharing and Creation through Social Media in Organizations

Muhammad Zia Hydari

"Saving Patient Ryan—Can Advanced Electronic Medical Records Make Patient Care Safer?

Baojun Jiang

"Strategic Analyses of User Generated Contents and Platforms"

Byung Cho Kim

Essays on Software Market: Security, Liability, and Pricing

Seung Hyun Kim

"An Empirical Assessment of Knowledge Management Systems"

Tat Koon Koh

"Essays on Technology-Enabled Platforms"

Vineet Kumar

"Marketing Implications of Shared Information Goods"

Nishtha Langer

"Essays in Information Technology Management"

Yingda Lu

"Essays on Social Media Platforms"

Liye Ma

"Essays on Internet and Network Mediated Marketing Interactions"

Nikhil Malik

"Applications and Economic Impact of Machine Learning and Blockchain Technologies"

Qiaochu Wang

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Economics: Transparency, Competition, and Collusion

Shunyuan Zhang

"A Structural Analysis of Sharing Economy Leveraging Location and Image Analytics Using Deep Learning"


Jason Gates

"Essays on Local Labor Markets"

Nick Hoffman

Wealth, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Policy

Jaepil Lee

"Three Essays on Dynamic Discrete Choice"

Martin Michelini

Structural Empirical Analysis on Market Conduct & Performance

Hoang-Anh Nguyen

Essays in Urban Economics and Industrial Organization

Yikang Shen

Economics of the Platform Era

Arnav Sood

"Essays on Learning in Economics"

Shuoqi Sun

Essays on Consumer Information in Online Markets

Yizhen Xie

"Essays on Portfolio Choice"

Pei Xue

Papers of Labors and Migration

Jose Anchorena

Three Essays on Productivity Change, Growth and Development

Aaron Barkley

"Cost and Efficiency in Dynamic Government Outsourcing: Evidence from the Dredging Industry"

Majid Bazarbash

"Banking and Interest Rate Spreads in Macroeconomics"

William Bednar

"Essays on Bank Capital and Home Production"

Andres Bellofatto

"Essays on Macroeconomics and Public Finance"

Jeremy Bertomeu

Risk Management and the Design of Efficient Incentive Schemes

Dario Cestau

"Essays on the Provision and Funding of Public Goods"

Billie Davis

"Essays on Education Economics"

Cédric Ehouarne

"Cross-Sectional Phenomena and New Perspectives on Macro-Finance Puzzles"

Özgün Ekici

"Discrete Resource Allocation Problems: Market Design and Axiomatic Mechanism Design"

Chi (Faith) Feng

"Decentralized Collaboration of Open Source Software Development"

Lili Gao

"Applications of Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics in Financial Economics"

Dimitrios Giannias

"Differentiated Products Solutions to Equilibrium Models

Brett Gordon

"A Dynamic Structural Analysis of the PC Microprocessor Industry

Caroline Hopkins

"Essays on the Economics of Flood Risk"

Timothy Hyde

Essays on Beliefs about Catastrophic Risks

Zümrüt İmamoğlu

"Understanding International Price Dispersion"

Jason Imbrogno

"Essays on the Economics of Education"

Ari Choi Kang

"Parental Choices and the Labor Market Outcome of Children"

Abha Kapoor

"Essays on Macroeconomics"

Eungsik Kim

"Three essays in the stochastic overlapping generations models"

Cigdem Gizem Körpeoğlu

"Essays on Microeconomic Theory and Its Applications"

Musab Kurnaz

"Essays on Public Finance and Auction Theory"

Jiayi Li

"Essays on Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Investment"

Shuya Li

"Incentives, Information, and Dynamic Games: Applications in Corporations and Schools"

Richard Lowery

"Cooperation in Infinite Games: Applications to Finance and Public Economics"

Steven Lugauer

Essays on the Labor Force and Aggregate Fluctuations

Majid Mahzoon

"Essays on Network Economics"

Mauro Moretto

"Essays on Overlapping Generations Models and Social Security"

Andre Mouton

Essays on Technical Change and Labor Markets

Megan O'Malley

"Three Essays on Medicare Quality Initiatives"

Fabrizio Orrego Peche

"Essays in Overlapping Generations Economies"

Hakki Ozdenoren

"Occupational Networks, Automation, and Social Insurance"

Sompop Pattanariyankool

"Essays on Power System Economics"

Ali O. Polat

"Essays on Market/Mechanism Design"

Nick Pretnar

"The Individual Anomalies and Aggregate Impacts of Households’ Consumption and Savings Decisions"

Kole Reddig

"Essays on the Economics of Health Care"

Minyoung Rho

"Implementation of the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm in School Choice Application" [dissertation available by request]

Maxime Roy

"On the Securitization of Student Loans and the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009"

Batchimeg Sambalaibat

"Essays in Financial Economics: CDS and Sovereign Bond Market Liquidity, CDS as Sovereign Debt Collateral, Currency Risk and Pricing Kernel Volatility"

Nandana Sengupta

"Machine Learning Techniques in Applied Econometrics"

Benjamin Tengelsen

"Essays on Credit Frictions, Market Expansion, and Strategic Team Production"

Erica VanSant

"Essays on Public Economics"

I-Ta Yang

"Essays on Strategic Behavior in Entry and Exit and the Impact on Local Economy"

Wenting Yu

"Economic Structures in Production Networks"

Jessie Jiaxu Wang

"The Effects of Contracting and Labor Search on Risks in Financial Markets"

Shutian Zeng

"Three Essays in Macroeconomics"

Xuege Zhang

Essays on Macroeconomic Policy

Financial Economics

Zahra Ebrahimi

"Essays in FinTech"

Xiaonan Hong

Essays in Corporate Finance

Kevin Pierre Mott

Essays on Applications of Machine Learning to the Macroeconomics of Retirement Savings

Yue (Sarah) Wu

Essays in Sustainable Finance

Kerry Paul Zhang

Essays in Corporate Finance

Fernando Anjos

Networks, Complementarities, and Transaction Costs: Applications in Finance and Economic Development

A. Cevdet Aydemir

“Stock Volatility and Correlations in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models”

Steven David Baker

"Modeling Financial Markets with Heterogeneous Agents"

António Barbosa

"Incorporation of Information in Asset Prices: Dynamic Trading and Manipulation"

Emilio Bisetti

"Essays in Financial Economics"

Maria Chaderina

"Essays in Finance: Pre-borrowing: Co-existence of Cash and Debt; Predators, Prey and Volatility on Wall Street"

Camilo Botía Chaparro

"Disclosure Policies, Bank Runs, and Managerial Incentives"

Edwige Cheynel

"A Theory of Voluntary Disclosure and Cost of Capital"

Federico Gavazzoni

"Essays on Asset Pricing Puzzles"

Vincent Glode

"Essays on the Performance of Investment Funds"

Ozge Gokbayrak

"Financing Frictions and Firm Dynamics

Benjamin Holcblat

"A Classical Moment-Based Inference Framework with Bayesian Properties: Econometric Theory and Simulation Evidence from Asset Pricing"

Nam Jong Kim

"Essays on International Finance"

Yongjin Kim

"Essays on Corporate Investment"

Stephen Lenkey

"Essays on Closed-End Funds and Advance Disclosure of Trading"

Siyu (Eric) Lu

Essays on Bank Competition and Regulation

Vitaly Meursault (Merso)

Essays on Novel Methods in Empirical Finance

Diana Mikhail

"The Composition of Limited Partners in Private Equity Funds"

Artem Neklyudov

"Essays in Financial Economics: Securitizations Trading, Decentralized Interdealer Markets, and Strategic Information Acquisition with Overlaps"

Atanu (Rick) Paul

"Essays in Asset Pricing"

Jackson Pfeiffer

"Essays on the Liquidity of Financial Markets"

Carlos Ramírez

"Essays on Financial Intermediation and Economic Linkages"

Alexander Schiller

"Essays on Asset Pricing and the Macroeconomy with Limited Stock Market Participation"

David Schreindorfer

"Essays on Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice with Time-Varying Uncertainty"

Rachel Szymanski

Essays in Corporate Finance

Santiago Téllez Alzate

On the Asset Pricing Implications of Incomplete Information in Sovereign Debt Markets

Tianyi (Robert) Yang

"Essays on Asset Management"

Jueheng Zhu

Essays on the U.S. Equity Speed Bump and National Market System


Xiaohang (Flora) Feng

Unveiling Market Forces: AI-Powered Insights into Celebrity Potential, Visual Uniqueness, and Sustainable Badges in E-Commerce

Behnam Mohammadi

"Human-AI-Interaction: Implications for Marketing and Policy-Making"

Jieqiong (Julie) Wang

"Essays on Marketing Research and Platform Economy"

Ziyan (Angela) Xiao

Essays on the consumer journey of planning for and pursuing their goals

Yuan Yuan

"AI in Digital Markets: Causal Perspectives on Policy, Behavior and Decision-Making"

Darron Billeter

Essays on Consumer Learning and New Product Adoption

Pak Yan (Patrick) Choi

"Essays on Channels and Product Line Design"

Kevin YC Chung

"Essays on Brand Alliance in Marketing"

Francisco Orlando Cisternas Vera

"Essays on the Impact of New Technologies on Firm-Consumer Relationships"

Tansev Geylani

“The Impact of Retailers’ Asymmetric Power on Channel Relations”

Tanuka Ghoshal

"Nonconscious Factors Influencing Attitude/Behavior/Judgment of Products and Sequences"

Colleen E. Giblin

"Ownership Polarization: Self-Reference as an Alternate Account of the Endowment Effect"

Julian Givi

"Social Norms in Gift Giving: A Comprehensive Theory for Giver-Recipient Discrepancies in Gift Selection"

Marcel Goic

"Essays on Multi-Product Pricing"

Young Eun Huh

"Essays on Consumption: Top-Down Motivational Processes in Food Consumption"

Serim Hwang

The Introduction of Human and AI-Powered Virtual Influencers on Social Media Marketing

Jinwoo Kim

Multi-Unit Consumption Structure and its Influence on Hedonic Decline

Yijin Kim

"Cross-Market Impact and Technology Adoption in the Sharing Economy"

Samuel Levy

Essays on Bayesian Machine Learning in Marketing

Xiao Liu

“Marketing Solutions Enabled by Big Data Using Structural Models”

Sameer Mathur

"Product-Line Design in Emerging Markets"

Jian Ni

"A Dynamic Structural Analysis of the Health Care Service Market with Information Asymmetry"

Zijun (June) Shi

"Essays on Technology-driven Marketing"

Peter Stüttgen

"Taking the World As It Is: Three Essays in Marketing"

Yang Yang

"Sentimental Value and Its Influence on Hedonic Adaptation"

Meng Zhu

"Essays on Conservation and Waste in Consumption"

Operations Management


Essays on Designing Resilient Solutions for Problems in Transportation and Analyzing Conditional Promotional Offers

Nilsu Uzunlar

Essays on Environmentally Responsible Operations: Operational Challenges and Opportunities in Transitioning to Low-Carbon Economy

Alp Akcay

"Statistical Estimation Problems in Inventory Management"

Nihat Altintas

Incorporating Buyer Behavior to Drive Supply Chain Operations

Mehmet Aydemir

"Time Sensitive Operations"

Franco Berbeglia

"Strategies and Implications of Entertainment Media Consumption"

Musa Eren Celdir

Essays on Contemporary Matching and Allocation Problems

Ismail Civelek

"Essays on Operations Management"

Elvin Coban

"Deterministic and Stochastic Models for Practical Scheduling Problems"

Sherwin Doroudi

"Stochastic Analysis of Maintenance and Routing Policies in Queueing Systems"

Michele Dufalla

"Essays in Service Operations Management"

Paul Enders

"Applications of Stochastic and Queueing Models to Operational Decision Making"

Xin Fang

"Competition and Cooperation in Global Supply Chain Networks"

Canan Gunes

"Essays on Operations Management"

Ersin Körpeoğlu

"Innovation and Crowdsourcing Contests"

Neda Mirzaeian

An Operational Analysis of Innovative Transportation Technologies

Emre Nadar

"New Markov Decision Process Formulations and Optimal Policy Structure for Assemble-to-Order and New Product Development Problems"

Leela Nageswaran

"Innovative Models in Service Operations"

Masha Shunko

"Global Supply Chain Planning: Impact of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing"

Siddharth Singh

"Regulation and Management of Innovative Technologies"

Vincent W. Slaugh

Essays in Service Operations Management

Ekut Sonmez

"Capacity Management with Technology Considerations"

Jiong Sun

"Managing Technology and Operations in Emerging Markets"

Yanhan (Savannah) Tang

Addressing Challenges in Public Service Operations Management: Data-Driven Solutions and Strategies

Mulan Xiaofeng Wang

"Risk Management and Supply Chain Management in the Natural Gas and Global Liquefied Natural Gas Industry"

Xin Wang

"Operational Decisions Under the Influence of Government Regulation"

Bo Yang

A Pathwise Optimization Approach for Reinforcement Learning in Merchant Energy Operations


Operations Research

No recent proposals.

Kent Hoj Andersen

“Split Disjunctions and Mixed Integer Linear Programs”

Gerdus Benade

"Equity and Efficiency in Computational Social Choice"

Atul Bhandari

Stochastic Optimization Problems in the Service Industry with Customer Considerations

Violet (Xinying) Chen

Fairness Methods in Optimization and Artificial Intelligence

Andre Augusto Cire

Decision Diagrams for Optimization

Ozgun Elci

Essays on Logic-Based Benders Decomposition, Portfolio Optimization, and Fair Allocation of Resources

Kyra (Jingyi) Gan

"Modern Methods in Precision Medicine"

Nam Ho-Nguyen

"Models and Efficient Algorithms for Convex Optimization under Uncertainty"

Amin Hosseininasab

"Interpretable Learning and Pattern Mining: Scalable Algorithms and Data-Driven Applications"

Miroslav Karamanov

Branch and Cut: An Empirical Study

Ryo Kimura

"Modern Methodologies for Practical Discrete Optimization"

Zeynep Melda Korkut

Bandit Algorithms for Recommender Systems

Selvaprabu Nadarajah

"Approximate Dynamic Programming for Commodity and Energy Merchant Operations"

Thiago Serra

"Essays on Postoptimality, Lift-and-Project, and Scheduling" [abstract]

Negar Soheili Azad

"Elementary Algorithms for Solving Convex Optimization Problems"

John Turner

"Ad Slotting and Pricing: New Media Planning Models for New Media"

Yuyan Wang

Foundations of Clustering: New Models and Algorithms

Nan Xiong

"Empirical Study of Private Firms"

Hakan Yildiz

"Methodologies and Applications for Scheduling, Routing & Related Problems"

Organizational Behavior and Theory

Jenny Oh

Essays on the Supply- and Demand-Side Perspectives and Outcomes of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Processes

Chaoyi (Belle) Zhang

"Collaborative Pathways:  Essays on Strategic Collaboration and Entrepreneurship Success"

Ishani Aggarwal

"Cognitive Style Diversity in Teams"

Julia Bear

"'Passing the Buck': Incongruence Between Gender Role and Topic Leads to Avoidance of Negotiation"

Gerard Beenen

"An Achievement Goal Framework for Understanding the Learning-Performance Tension in Short-term Jobs"

Daylian Cain

"The Dirt on Coming Clean: The Perverse Effects of Disclosing Conflicts of Interest"

Elizabeth Campbell

"Essays on Gender Differences in Sponsorship and Hiring Decisions"

Jin Wook Chang

"The Effects of Intergroup Status on Intragroup Processes"

Klarissa Chang

"A Psychological Contract Perspective on Social Embeddedness and Knowledge Exchange"

Benjamin C. Collier

"Leadership Development in Core-Periphery Organizations"

Matthew A. Diabes

“Theory and Evidence of the Effects of Psychosocial Well-Being in Collaboration"

Erin Fahrenkopf

"Knowledge Transfer by Employees Across Firm Boundaries: a Micro Process with Consequential Macro Outcomes"

Kenneth Goh

"A Multi-Method Study of Iterative Processes in Creative Project Teams"

Jerry Guo

Organizational Routines and Adaptability”

Pranav Gupta

Transactive Systems Model of Collective Intelligence: The Emergence and Regulation of Collective Attention, Memory, and Reasoning

Ki-Won Haan

“Building Better Ideas Together: Understanding the Influence of Individual and Contextual Characteristics on the Emergence of Transactivity

Emily Haisley

"The Appeal of Lotteries and Their Use in Incentive Design"

Uriel Haran

"A Simple and Effective Way to Reduce Overprecision in Judgment"

Alessandro Iorio

“Essays on Individual Performance and Organizational Networks” [abstract]

Yeonjeong Kim

"Text-Based Unethical Behavior Forecasting: The Hidden Information Distribution and Evaluation (HIDE) Model"

Jonathan Kush

"The Influence of Communication Networks and Turnover on TMS and Team Performance"

Kimberly S. Ling

"Sadness at Work: The Impact of Sadness on Information Perception, Search, and Use"

Anna Mayo

"Dynamic Teams: Exploring the Enabling Conditions and Outcomes of Coordination"

Lily Morse

"Bad Deeds for Good Friends: Maintaining Independence and Objectivity in the Workplace"

Benjamin Ostrowski

Essays on Collective Creative Problem-Solving

Jisoo Park

Essays on Organizational Learning Processes and Outcomes in Healthcare

Sae-Seul Park

“Essays on Human Capital and Organizational Performance”

Joseph Radzevick

"The Market for Overconfidence"

Sunita Sah

"Essays on Conflicts of Interest in Medicine"

Sam Swift

"Talking the Value Out of the Deal: Self-Perception and the Subjective Value of Negotiated Outcomes"

Gergana Todorova

"Resolving the Conflict-Creativity Tension in Functionally-Diverse Innovation Teams"

Nazli Turan

"Concession Frames in Distributive Negotiations"

Amanda Weirup

"Decisions about Workplace Favor Requests"

Courtney D. Williamson

"Community College Student Performance:The Effects of a Remedial Intervention, Demographic Factors, & Psychological Factors on Student Achievement & Retention"

Zachariah Sharek

"The Illusion of the Illusion of Control"

Evelyn Ying Zhang

"Intra-Organizational Mobility: Movers, Incumbents, and Communication Networks"

Joint Ph.D. Program: Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization

Lin An

"Algorithms for Online Decision-Making: Nonstationary Newsvendor, Resource Allocation, and Transformer-Based Recommendations"

Anthony Karahalios

Column Elimination for Integer Programs

Aidin Niaparast

Decision-Making under Uncertainty: Online Joint Replenishment and Learning-Augmented Data Structures

Lingqing Shen

Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees for Convex and Nonconvex Optimization

Weizhong Zhang

Optimizing Decisions: Algorithms and Mechanisms for Content Recommendation, Data Pricing, and Convex Relaxations

Amitabh Basu

"Corner Polyhedra and Maximal Lattice-free Convex Sets: A Geometric Approach to Cutting Planes"

David Bergman

"New Techniques for Discrete Optimization"

Daniel de Roux

Outer approximation for semidefinite programs and a vector clock problem

Stylianos Despotakis

"Expertise, Attribution, and Ad-Blocking in the World of Online Marketing"

Latife Genc-Kaya

"Hybrid Approaches to Scheduling and Clustering"

Vineet Goyal

"Combinatorial Optimization Under Uncertainty"

Arash Haddadan

"New Bounds on Integrality Gaps by Constructing Convex Combinations"

Samid Hoda

"Essays on Equilibrium Computation, MDD-based Constraint Programming and Scheduling"

Su Jia

Learning and Earning under Noise and Uncertainty

Yang Jiao

"Algorithms for Ranking and Routing Problems"

Jeremy Karp

"Models and Methods for Omni-channel Fulfillment"

Aleksandr Kazachkov

"Non-Recursive Cut Generation"

Thomas Lavastida

On Scalable Algorithms and Algorithms with Predictions

Dabeen Lee

"Cutting Planes and Integrality of Polyhedra: Structure and Complexity"

Qihang Lin

"Large-Scale Optimization for Machine Learning and Sequential Decision Making"

Marco Molinaro

"Understanding the Strength of General-Purpose Cutting Planes"

Viswanath Nagarajan

"Approximation Algorithms for Sequencing Problems"

Benjamin Peterson

"Transportation Scheduling Methods"

Andrea Qualizza

"Cutting Planes for Mixed Integer Programming"

Amin Sayedi

"Essays on Sponsored Search Advertising"

Mohit Singh

Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization


"Theoretical and Computational Methods for Network Design and Routing"

Christian Tjandraatmadja

"Decision Diagram Relaxations for Integer Programming"

Sercan Yildiz

"Valid Inequalities for Mixed Integer Linear and Mixed Integer Conic Programs"

Rudy Zhou

On Combinatorial and Stochastic Optimization

Michael (Mik) Zlatin

Polyhedral and Algorithmic Approaches in Network Connectivity

Joint Ph.D. Program: Behavioral Economics

No recent proposals.

Joachim Talloen

"The Effects of the Presentation of Asset Price Information on Investor Biases"

Zachary Wojtowicz

"Essays on the Economics of Mental Resources"

Joint Ph.D. Program: Economics and Public Policy

No recent proposals.

Jeff Brinkman

"Essays on Urban Agglomeration"

Leah Clark

"Three Essays on Economic Access to Public K-12 Education"

John Gardner

"The Labor Economics of the Great Migration

Judy Geyer

"Essays in Housing Policy for Low-Income Households"

Ashlee Li

"Three Essays on Immigration"

Jeff Lingwall

An Economic History of Compulsory Attendance and Child Labor Laws in the United States, 1810-1926

Luis Quintero

"Essays on Specification and Estimation of Models of Markets for Heterogeneous Housing"

Abby Turner

"Three Essays on the Economics of Education"

Melanie A. Zaber

"Three Essays in Household Economics"

Joint Ph.D. Program: Management of Manufacturing and Automation

Tinglong Dai

"Incentives in U.S. Healthcare Operations"

Guoming Lai

"Essays on Operations Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior, Real Earnings Management, and Capital Financing"

Ying Xu

"Impact of Information on Operations Management in Emerging Businesses

Ronghuo Zheng

"Essays on Corporate Governance, Managerial Incentives, and Crowdfunding"

Yangfang Helen Zhou

"Managing Wind-based Electricity Generation and Storage"