About Student Information Online (SIO)
Student Information Online (SIO) is a secure website and essential resource that each student will frequently visit and use throughout their academic career. Students should ensure their SIO account is updated with their most recent contact information and emergency contact information. An Andrew User ID and password are needed in order to log in to SIO.
Within SIO, students are able to:
- View grades, QPA and enrollment status
- Store and/or update their name pronunciation, the phonetic spelling of their name, and pronouns via NameCoach (learn more)
- Order transcripts and verifications*
- Plan course schedules and complete course registration activities (add/drop courses, view waitlist history, etc.)
- First-year undergraduate students will receive information in late summer from their college/school regarding registering for fall courses
- View financial aid details, including award letters, application status, and federal loan information
- View student account invoices and activity
- Make payments via Online Banking and designate a bank account for electronic refunds
- Manage family and friend contact information and invite other individuals to view student account invoices, make payments, order verifications, and view schedules and grades through My Plaid Student
- View housing and meal plan assignments
- Report a lost ID Card, view Plaid Cash balance or deposit Plaid Cash
- Enroll in a health insurance plan or complete an insurance waiver form
- View important campus contact information (Academic Advisor and/or Associate Dean, Student Affairs contact and HUB liaison)
*Enrollment verifications cannot be accessed in SIO until you are registered for courses and enrolled (attending classes and having a current student account balance) for the semester. If you are registered but not yet enrolled, you can choose the "Registration Status" option when requesting a verification letter through SIO. If you are not yet registered for classes but need a letter stating that you are expected to enroll, email your request to uro-verifications@andrew.gt5cheats.com.